Thursday, January 17, 2013

Parents divorced and feelings of regret; Joey Yung: No longer feels hatred

Growing up in a single-parent family, Joey Yung has felt a lifetime of regrets since she was young, because of her parents' divorce. Joey admits that she had very little fate with her father, but she has kept in mind one sentence that her boss Albert Yeung has said. She now no longer feels hatred towards her father, and no one can replace the love her mother has shown to her and everything her mother has done. 

"When I was young, my parents were already considering separating, so ever since I was small I understood that happiness cannot be forced. When I was 15 years old, my parents officially divorced. It had a great influence on my growing up. In the quiet of the late night, I always feel a sense of regret. All along, I have felt that I have had very little fate between my father and myself. 

I remember Mr. Yeung (Alber Yeung) said to me: "In life, people have choices for everything, but there are two things that you cannot choose: your father and your mother." In the past, I was very angry at him (father), but I told myself not to be, because it is these two people who have brought me into this world. But having to face him while being very happy, I may not be able to do it. But in my heart, I no longer feel any hatred towards him. I do not contact him very much, but my brother will have dinner with him and my brother will tell me how my father has been recently. It is not that I do not want to see him, but rather that he has already established his own family and needs a lot of time to look after his new wife and children."

Position as a mother cannot be replaced

"Exactly because of my relationship with my father, the relationship I have with my mother is great, but it still needs to be cared for. All my life, mother has put a lot of effort into me, and in return she also expects a lot from me. I hope that she understands, even though I meet more and more friends as I grow up, it does not mean that her position in my mind or her importance have decreased. No one can ever replaced all the things she has done. I hope that there will never be even the slightest misunderstanding between us. My mother is a sentimental person, she will think so much that it gets her to a dead end. She is not willing to talk to me about it because she is afraid that it will bother me. I really hope that she does not keep problems in her heart. We are blood-related, but I am not her, so we need to communicate."

Unwilling to share inner feelings

"Because of the influence of my home, when I was young I did not want people to know that my parents were divorced. Because all my friends had a very happy and healthy family, but I seemed a little incomplete and unhealthy, so I never liked to share my inner feelings with people. In the eyes of my classmates and friends, I was a loner. Maybe it was a lack of a sense of security, I felt that a secret should forever be kept a secret, so I chose not to share my inner feelings with people."

Epilogue: Childish innocence has not disappeared

Joey who is 31 years old this year has mature thinking and appears calm on the outside. But in fact when she taks and moves, it is full of childishness. When the interview begain, Joey and the writer of this article were discussing what topics to talk about first. The two of them kept insisting on the other offering a suggestion, so Joey immediately suggested to play rock-paper-scissors to settle it. She immediately recited: "1.2.3....1.2.3...." and in the end, the writer lost the game. Joey laughed out loud and said: "You lost, you talk first!", revealing herself as a big kid. 

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