Thursday, January 17, 2013

Eason Chan big Chik Chak award winner; Joey Yung breaks record 6-time Gold Singer

Chik Chak Ultimate Song Award Presentation 2010 was held last night (New Years Day) where all the singers dressed up for the occasion. Joey Yung broke the record being a 6-time "Chik Chak Female Singer (Gold)" award winner. When she accepted the award on stage, she was very grateful of the behind-the-scenes concert crew. She frankly said that she received good friend Denise Ho's e-mail a few days sgo and said transferred the message from a music critic saying that after her concert, a new light is seen. This made Joey very emotional, she said: "Before some people said I was a singing machine, that I didn't sing with feeling or emotions. Until after they saw my concert, felt that the more I sang, the stronger the personality I had. I thank [him/her] for the encouragement.

Kay Tse won the Female Singer Bronze and Miriam won Silver, both ladies thanked their husbands on stage. A surprised Miriam said: "I haven't got this Female Singer Bronze award in 3 years, never thought I'll get it again. I carried a take-away-Gold-Award attitude to get a Bronze award! I want to thank my husband (Real Ting), in the last 3 years he has been by my side through the times where I was most lost in life!" Kay also praised on stage that her husband Louis Cheung is handsome!

Eason Chan won 5 awards and is the big winner of the night. He expressed: "In fact, this year my voice has been the worst. Don't worry, I won't do anything to hurt my voice!"

Leo Ku won the Male Singer Bronze Award and expressed hus feelings using his song Era. He said: "In the lyrics, 'era collapses a sunny sky', hope everyone can use a sunny attitude to change the wind and rain sky!"

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