Thursday, January 17, 2013

Joey Yung promises not to leave EEG; Denies trying to kick Vincy Chan out

Joey Yung's 3D MV (Disfigured) held its premiere yesterday. She is the first Hong Kong artist to film a MV in 3D. She joked that the MV production costs were a few 100 million. Although she's not sure of the actual production costs, she believes it is quite an investment. It was rumored that her contract with EEG ending soon, so EEG is investing greatly on her new MV, do they want her to renew the contract? Joey said: "EEG has always treated me well. Since I debuted, EEG gave me everything I have. Every time I release an album, there is always a fresh new feeling with good ideas. No one came to discuss contract renewal with me because my contract is not up yet. Even if my contract is ending, there is no discussion needed, it will automatically take effect. Bottom line is the day I'm still singing, I won't consider other companies."

Not measuring with money

If other companies use a high price to pull her over, she won't do it? Joe said: "For the mean time, I won't consider nor are there any companies who have contacted me. EEG and I have a good relationship, it is not measured by money. How EEG supported me, I should actually pay money back to them." It was rumored that EEG gave her a HK$40 million necklace as a reward for her staying with them and said that she wanted Vincy Chan out as one of the contract renewal conditions? Joey denied to all the rumors, she said: "I have never received such expensive necklace, such beautiful necklace I don't have a chance to wear. If EEG really wants to give me something, why not fulfill my greatest wish and promote cultural purposes."

Joey also denies kicking Vincy Chan out, is it because Vincy really isn't a threat to her? Joey said: "I have never thought that it's a good thing that I should step down on someone to push myself up. We are family, we basically have no conflicts. Saying it like that is not good, I am a person who can let things go, but I'm afraid some little girls will be unhappy seeing such rumors." Is she worried that Vincy will be unhappy seeing the rumors? She admitted and said that Vincy will definitely be unhappy. When she has a chance, she will talk to Vincy about it, don't want her to have any misunderstandings.

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