Thursday, January 17, 2013

Joey Yung: Past, Present and Future

2009 marked Joey Yung's 10th year upon entering the entertainment industry, so 2010 is another important milestone. On the 4th day of the new year, she wishes everyone a prosperous new year of the tiger and teaches us to make a windmill for good luck. 

Past: Transformation of a young singer 

At the end of a great decade, 2010 is a new beginning for Joey. In 1999, she was still an unknown singer, but now she has transformed into today's most popular queen of pop, evident of her maturation and growth. "10 years ago, I was still a naive newcomer in the industry, filled with awe at every new experience. At the time, I didn't have any thoughts on my work, only listening to what my company told me to do. The young Joey sang slow love songs like "Pained Love", and it wasn't until after "Gorgeous Show" that I slowly added upbeat dance songs into my repertoire. As I grew, I became more familiar with my work environment and understood my needs, strengths and weaknesses, finally daring to voice my opinion on work. I remember at the very beginning, everyone laughed at my suggestions, but nobody's laughing now, they listen and adjust to me. That's why in my later songs, such as "Yellow Doorway", "Be True" and "Always See Angels", you can hear my inner thoughts and feelings in the lyrics. 

Gained endless support...

An artist's success is seen in riches and fame; but what isn't seen, is the loss of freedom and the ability to return to the life of a normal person. To Joey, fame is not very valued, and her happiest gain coming out of the past 10 years is her large support group of good friends and fans. 

"I am happiest about being able to meet such a group of good friends. I am a very self-protecting person, before deciding if they are worth being friends, I will observe someone for a long period of time. On the other hand, I am also very happy about garnering support from fans. Honestly, I am not a person with very many contributions, all I do is change a hobby into my work, hoping that a well performed song will bring pleasure to others and myself. It's very nice that everyone is willing to spend time to support me, to help me discover my inner strengths!"

...Lost time with family

"In the past 10 years, I have early starts and late returns, and am only able to have 8 - 10 days off a year. Luckily, I am still living with my mother at the moment, so we see each other at least once a day. I would say the biggest sacrifice is not being able to shop in MongKok, and not being able to window shop in the little boutiques!"

Now: Rediscovers the real her

10 years in the industry has made Joey Yung into the "big sister" at EEGMusic, a pop queen, and a talented and sought-after artist. Her success at work has made her more mature, and allowed her to reveal her truest self. "Right now, I feel like I really want to be brave and take that first step out on my own, but in reality I still need my company's protection, support and opinion.. so really I am still living in the greenhouse of my company. I'm a very practical person; after gaining everyone's love and favour, I didn't just relax and coast, instead I became afraid. I was worried that it would only be short-lived, and during that time I had a bit of negative press, so I was very careful of what I said and did. It became a bit too careful and I was very uncomfortable with myself then, it wasn't really me. The me now, is very relaxed and carefree, not worried about saying wrong things, since everyone has seen me grow up and knows what kind of person I am." 

Awards are only a bonus

Joey also relaxes her view on music awards. "I still want to win awards, but I understand now that they are only a bonus, and they don't affect how others see me. What really affects me are my actions. If I win an award that I don't deserve, everyone will feel unhappy about my ability, so the most important thing is to sing well, and strive to improve continuously. A few years ago, I purposely tried to change myself, but now I feel the most important thing is to make good music, and not change just because. When you grow up slowly, just like a good song, the feeling, charm and interpretation will be different." 

As the "big sister" at EEGMusic, when she sees newcomers such as Twins, Vincy Chan, Sherman Chung and William Chan, as long as she can help, she will. "I'm just a sister with more experience then them! I won't say that it's my way or the highway, because every artist is individual and special." Bringing up little sister Sherman Chung's hot song "Letter to Myself", Joey praised her unique image, saying that everyone should pay attention to such a talented singer. 

Future: Slowed, in 10 years

In June of 2010, Joey will enter the big 30s, and in yet another 10 years, her 40s. "I think the me in 10 years will strive even harder for happiness, and my lifestyle then may be completely different from now. I want to have a normal lifestyle, invest in land to farm, try living overseas, learn other languages... anyway, I will spend more time on my self and with my family. 

Believes the 40 year old her will not be living in the entertainment circle. "I won't stop singing! Long ago I knew that singign would be my lifelong work, only in 10 years I will slow down. I'm not a person of many words, songs are the best way I know how to express myself and my emotions, and allows me to connect with my fans. It's so great that I can produce a CD anytime I want. I will definitely not say that I will never get any more awards, and I won't refuse to sing; this kind of talk brings me no luck." 

Love: Let fate decide

In the 10 years since her debut, the one relationship that everyone knows about is the one with Japanese Meter Chen, unfortunately it ended in a breakup. "Two people in a relationship need to be on the same page, or else there's no point wasting everyone else's time. After that time, I didn't date again, it's not that I didn't meet people who I had feelings for, but there was no continuation. Feelings need to be mutually understood, which is not easy. Even if I want to develop the feelings, my work schedule makes that near impossible for me, but I believe that I will eventually find my happiness, as to whether or not I actually do, it's up to fate. 
Don't think that as the Queen of Pop, she's not forward. Joey says that if she meets her soulmate, she won't mind being the pursuer, and will definitely spend lots of time on the relationship. "I am someone who doesn't know how to conceal my feelings, I haven't found someone who I want to reveal my feelings to. Although the work circle makes it hard to meet new friends, I'm not in any rush to date, I will patiently wait for fate to bring someone. Maybe the janitor who cleans my house one day will be my soulmate!" 
Ideal partner needs to be charismatic
To gain Joey's liking is not difficult. You just need to be charismatic, mature, and caring.. oh, and obviously have chemistry with her. "I don't mind what the talent is in, as long as it's in some kind of industry where he is passionate, I will admire him. If he is a super good janitor, I could still like him! I really dislike those people with no direction, with no achievements! Good looking? They are hard to find, however, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as long as the other person is someone you like, even if they have bad skin and looks, you will still see their strengths. 

Protects voice, drinks nourishments like water

Entering the industry in 1999, Joey's voice encountered a setback only 2 years later in 2001, causing her work to be cancelled for half a year. After she recovered, her work resumed it's constant pace. As a result, whenever a singer friend has the same problem, they will ask Joey for tips on voice care. "I'm like a voice spokesperson, whenever someone has something wrong with their vocals, they will come find me; maybe everyone thinks I have some secret techniques! Actually, everyday my mother cooks nourishments such as apple pear water, figs and fungus soup etc. which I drink like water." 

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