Thursday, January 17, 2013

Joey Yung clicks with MV director Heison, love sparked in London

Hong Kong pop queen Joey Yung has been in the industry for over 10 years. Over the years, her career went very smoothly as she's the 7 time 'Most Popular Female Singer' award winner and sits on HK$300 million net worth. The fight in her love life has also become stronger and stronger. Recently it was rumored a finance talent has feelings for Joey and did not hesitate to get through the 'mother-in-law policy'. The finance talent helped Mother Yung (Joey's mom) in her investments. However, it was said Joey actually doesn't even know this person at all.

[Oriental Daily] received reliable news that the person that is actually madly pursuing 31 year old Joey Yung is the new MV director (Heison Ng). Heison is about 30 years old and has established his own MV production company. Although he's not considered too handsome, but he is brilliantly talented. It is believed he is Joey's cup of tea. It was understood that the two met at work, where Heison had directed several of Joey's MVs including Wallpaper 牆紙Star Map 星圖 and Mountain Tupperware 山口百惠. Over time, Heison fell for Joey and love eventually sparked between them. Heison began a warm pursuit for Joey. According to the source, he has already touched Joey's heart in secret, but since she wanted more time to observe and understand him, the two have not developed into the dating stage yet.

However, Heison is being very active and taking initiative, often showing the love on Weibo. He greatly praised that Mountain Tupperware 山口百惠 is his favorite song of 2011. Last year, the two went to England to shoot the Wallpaper 牆紙 MV, Joey expressed on Weibo her gratitude for Heison: "The 'Wallpaper 牆紙' MV premiered, I'm grateful of Hei's diligent direction of the shoot. I wanted to ask, how would you score my typeface? Hehe." (TN: I believe Joey's 'typeface' refers to the lyrics displayed on her MV, in which she wrote by handWatch MV)Heison quickly responded: "I thank London's great weather, thank the wooden horse and I thank you for your golden hair, your right-hand and your pen."

Currently the two are in the love sprouting stage, the other day they were discovered having dinner together. Joey just got her new car and did not avoid being Heison's driver. The two meet up closely and thus the relationship is growing steadily. As for Joey's good friend, Denise Ho, since they are both busy with their own things, it was said they rarely kept in touch in the last six months. Even if it was Lunar New Years, Joey only visited Denise's house for new year greetings with a group of friends.

Heison denies the relationship

Yesterday [Oriental Daily] contacted Heison. When asked if he's dating Joey? He avoided: "We are friends, I'm not pursuing her!" Joey was spotted being his driver? He kept defending: "Just good friends, we go out to eat and play together. I helped her shoot her MVs, we have known each other for many years and we know each other well." Is it because he's worried the relationship might die out if its made public? He denied again: "There is no chance for us to develop a relationship, just friends. I am just a normal person, don't mess with me." If this news is fact or fiction, time will prove it.

Heison's Profile
Name: Heison Ng
Age: 30
Occupation: Had a position at the radio station for 2-3 years, responsible for collecting data from the internet and production work. He also helps singers shoot MVs. However, he resigned half a year ago to open his own company. He is currently a full-time director, responsible for shooting MV and production work.

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