Thursday, January 17, 2013

Joey Wins 7 Awards To Break Record

Due to the disagreement over royalty fees between TVB and the four music companies from HKRIA, TVB shut out the four music companies at its annual music award ceremony, leading to the affected singers not winning any awards. In recent days, TVB has been getting a headache at trying to come up with the award winners list, and the results show that EEG became the big winner on the night with 19 awards. Joey Yung won seven awards on the night, which included the ‘Asia Most Popular Hong Kong Female Singer’ award, ‘Golden Song Gold Award’, ‘Most Popular Commercial Song’ award, ‘Most Popular Mandarin Song’ silver award, ‘Most Popular Cover Version Song’ silver award, and she also won a top 10 song award for ‘In Search of the Deity’ and ‘Deeply Moving’. This breaks the previous record of winning 5 awards at one award ceremony, set by Alan Tam and Joey, which makes Joey the singer who has won the most TVB music awards in history, and she now looks likely to win the four-station media award. As for Leo Ku, he won the ‘Most Popular Male Singer’ award for the second time in a row, but what actually happened was that TVB rearranged some of the award winners before the show, and Joey was negatively-affected.

Yesterday, this newspaper made public the fact that TVB’s ‘adopted son’, Hacken Lee, was going to be one of the ‘survivors’ of the royalty fee dispute and he was set to win the ‘Asia Most Popular Hong Kong Male Singer’ award. However, just before the award ceremony started, one of the TVB management stated that if a singer doesn’t attend the award ceremony, he or she will not win an award, and Hacken was in China yesterday to hold a concert. Furthermore, because TVB didn’t want any of the four main music company singers to win an award, TVB’s ‘adopted son’ lost to TVB’s ‘biological son’, Raymond Lam, who was awarded the ‘Asia Most Popular Hong Kong Male Singer’ award instead. To avoid making it look as though EEG was winning all the awards, the ‘Most Popular Female Singer’ award from given to Miriam Yeung instead of Joey, and Joey was recompensed by being awarded two top 10 song awards.

At the moment that Raymond Lam, who has only been a singer for 3 years, was announced to be the winner of the ‘Asia Most Popular Hong Kong Male Singer’ award, he became excited and slightly tearful, and he continuously thanked TVB for their ‘deep affection’: “I’ve been at TVB for 11 years, and everything I have has been given by TVB, TVB has nurtured me, this award….thanks to everyone in the audience, I’m approaching my thirties, I don’t know what to say, I’m grateful to Miss Lok and Tai Gor.” In the end, Joey became the big winner by being awarded the ‘Asia Most Popular Hong Kong Female Singer’ award and the ‘Golden Song Gold Award’, and she excitedly said: “I thank you all for watching me grow up, I really did not think that after being in the industry for ten years, I could achieve this good result to commemorate it.” During her performance, Joey also couldn’t hold back the tears.

It is believed that Joey was going to follow Faye Wong’s footsteps by winning both the ‘Most Popular Female Singer’ and ‘Asia Most Popular Female Singer’ award at the same time, but because Joey, who had 3 nominated songs in the best commercial song category, had already won a commercial song gold award and a couple of other silver awards, TVB didn’t want it to look as though all the awards were given to Joey, so at the last minute they gave the ‘Most Popular Female Singer’ award to Miriam instead, which is the second year in a row she has won it. Furthermore, there was originally going to be a gold, silver and bronze award in the ‘Most Popular Commercial Song’ category, but this was changed to only one award, so it looks as though Joey lost two awards in total. Apart from Raymond Lam, other singers who are regarded as ‘TVB’s children’, such as Myolie Wu, Linda Chung, Kate Tsui, Julian Cheung and Pong Nam, also won awards. Sherman Chung and Charlene Choi both won a top 10 song award for ‘Letter For Myself’ and ‘Two Minus One’ respectively, and Charlene also won a ‘2009 Outstanding Performance’ silver award.

Due to the four main music companies being shut out, many singers, such as Eason Chan and Hacken Lee, did not attend, so not many stars were at the award ceremony and it looked more like a newcomer parade. Even the host, Eric Tsang, stopped his usual joking for a moment to sigh and say: “The music industry and the music companies are in a close partnership, no matter whether the coming days of the music industry is good or bad, everyone needs to work together to create both good music and a good tomorrow. Tonight, how many singers are actually participating!?”

A prank was played on TVB when music group Tai Chi appeared as special guests to announce the winner of the ‘Most Popular Group’ award, and they deliberately announced Mr., who belong to Universal, and then they corrected themselves by saying the winner was actually RubberBand. When RubberBand picked up the award, they said it was unexpected, but Eric Tsang made fun of them by saying ‘It’s not unexpected.” During the start of the award ceremony, trailer clips were played and they actually contained Eason Chan and Hacken Lee. When Miriam was on stage to pick up her award for the ‘Most Popular Female Singer’ award, she noticed that many of her fellow singers from the four main music companies were not present, so she said: “The singers I don’t see today I will see them next year, each thing we go through is a learning experience from which we will improve, and this problem we have can be solved.” As to the current frontrunners for the ‘Four-Station Media Award’, Joey Yung has won 14 awards to overtake Eason who has 11 awards, so she looks likely to win the big award. Out of the singers from the four main music companies who were absent from the award ceremony, Eason Chan and Jason Chan appeared at some functions today, and Kay Tse held an autograph session for her new album, so they continue to make TVB lose face.

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