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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Joey Yung turns into a "Black Bunny Girl"

Joey Yung will be releasing her new EP at the end of the month. Joey has always liked Miffy the bunny and this time she has created a "Black Bunny Girl" look image for herself. Her face, arms and legs were all covered in black make-up. 

Joey has been in the industry for 10 years and she has created 9 different images for her new EP "Joey Ten". Each image is very detailed and creative. Joey said "Miffy is a white bunny. We discussed about it and I suggested to paint myself black. I have tried many different images within the last 10 years and this time I want to be brave and try something different. 

On the day of becoming a "Black Bunny Girl", Joey's face, arms, legs and neck areas were covered in black make-up. She said "This make-up will not make your skin sensitive. It's all real and not done by computer effects. I will also wear Black fury clothing and wear Bunny ears. The outcome is very shocking". Joey used about half a hour to 45 minutes to cover herself black.

She realised washing off the black make-up was very complicated. She said "I thought when the make-up was removed everything would be clean. However when I got home I realised my nails, toe nails, ears and nostrils still had black marks. I had to immediately remove it again. It took about 4 washes before everything came off. But I am very satisfied with the outcome. As well as having 9 different images for the EP cover, a Joey Ten Boxset will also be released that will contain Joey's personal photos, a manga book and Image photo collection.

Joey Contributing Million Dollars to Repay Fans

Ten years in the industry, Joey decides to establish a scholarship fund to reward fans with good academic results

Song King, Leo Ku and Queen of Pop, Joey Yung both won the 'Ten Years Most well-received by Youths' male and female singer award respectively. Leo and Joey were very thankful and happy. Joey rewards her fans with hardwork and also financially when she disclosed that she will invest a million dollars into her fanclub to establish an education fund to encourage students who excel in their studies.

Joey and Leo have many songs that are very popular among the youths throughout their career in the music industry. Besides both of them taking home the ten years well-received singer award presented by uChannel, Ah Sa(Charlene) also received the 'Ten Years healthy image singer' award.

When Joey received the award, she was very happy. She said, "I've been in the industry for ten years, and receiving a Ten-years award is a very good encouragement to me. This award is voted by youths, therefore I am specially happy getting it." Joey also disclosed that she will establish an education fund for fans. She said, "I will be establishing an education fund to encourage students excelling in their studies. Further details are still on the planning." (how much will the fund involve?) "I'm estimating seven figures."

Leo Ku was also happy for getting the award. "As a public figure, one have to put extra care in their actions and behaviour. We must also be a responsible person." As 'Ku Sir' he has to be a role-model. Leo said, "Being their role-model, I will continue learning." Whereas Charlene who has high expectations from herself, said that she takes the award as an encouragement.

Besides that, Joey also won the 'Country's Most Respectable Female Singer', 'Most Respectable Mandarin Music Award' and 'Country's most respectable top ten song' for 'Sau San Gei'(In search of deities) at the Canada Hit Chinese Billboard awards. Charlene also won a top ten song award for 'yi kuet yat'(two missing one). Vincy Chan and Hoi Ming Wai also grabbed a top ten song award for 'ngoh dik wooi yik bat si ngoh dik'(my memory is not mine). Truly a sign of breaking through international borders

Joey Yung's eccentric "Joey the Fighter" look

Joey Yung's new ablum cover "Joey Ten" will be launched at the end of this month. It will be very bright and colorful and there will be 9 different covers. Following her last "Joey the Choffy" look, Joey she is dressed up in a tight colorful "Hogg Couture" wrestling fighter's outfit this time. Joey said she is very exited with the new "Joey the Fighter" outlook. She told reporter "I have never tried on a wrestling costume, and I have CD covers on my hair. That is a bit eccentric but awesome! Joey's costumes are full of metal studs, weighing 40 pounds. She looks absolutely cool in it. Joey went on to say she could smell the metal all over her body, including her hair. Joey added "Now I know it is not easy to be a rock fan! I have to sing and dance wearing this heavy outfit, worse than me dancing in high heels." 

Joey Wins 7 Awards To Break Record

Due to the disagreement over royalty fees between TVB and the four music companies from HKRIA, TVB shut out the four music companies at its annual music award ceremony, leading to the affected singers not winning any awards. In recent days, TVB has been getting a headache at trying to come up with the award winners list, and the results show that EEG became the big winner on the night with 19 awards. Joey Yung won seven awards on the night, which included the ‘Asia Most Popular Hong Kong Female Singer’ award, ‘Golden Song Gold Award’, ‘Most Popular Commercial Song’ award, ‘Most Popular Mandarin Song’ silver award, ‘Most Popular Cover Version Song’ silver award, and she also won a top 10 song award for ‘In Search of the Deity’ and ‘Deeply Moving’. This breaks the previous record of winning 5 awards at one award ceremony, set by Alan Tam and Joey, which makes Joey the singer who has won the most TVB music awards in history, and she now looks likely to win the four-station media award. As for Leo Ku, he won the ‘Most Popular Male Singer’ award for the second time in a row, but what actually happened was that TVB rearranged some of the award winners before the show, and Joey was negatively-affected.

Yesterday, this newspaper made public the fact that TVB’s ‘adopted son’, Hacken Lee, was going to be one of the ‘survivors’ of the royalty fee dispute and he was set to win the ‘Asia Most Popular Hong Kong Male Singer’ award. However, just before the award ceremony started, one of the TVB management stated that if a singer doesn’t attend the award ceremony, he or she will not win an award, and Hacken was in China yesterday to hold a concert. Furthermore, because TVB didn’t want any of the four main music company singers to win an award, TVB’s ‘adopted son’ lost to TVB’s ‘biological son’, Raymond Lam, who was awarded the ‘Asia Most Popular Hong Kong Male Singer’ award instead. To avoid making it look as though EEG was winning all the awards, the ‘Most Popular Female Singer’ award from given to Miriam Yeung instead of Joey, and Joey was recompensed by being awarded two top 10 song awards.

At the moment that Raymond Lam, who has only been a singer for 3 years, was announced to be the winner of the ‘Asia Most Popular Hong Kong Male Singer’ award, he became excited and slightly tearful, and he continuously thanked TVB for their ‘deep affection’: “I’ve been at TVB for 11 years, and everything I have has been given by TVB, TVB has nurtured me, this award….thanks to everyone in the audience, I’m approaching my thirties, I don’t know what to say, I’m grateful to Miss Lok and Tai Gor.” In the end, Joey became the big winner by being awarded the ‘Asia Most Popular Hong Kong Female Singer’ award and the ‘Golden Song Gold Award’, and she excitedly said: “I thank you all for watching me grow up, I really did not think that after being in the industry for ten years, I could achieve this good result to commemorate it.” During her performance, Joey also couldn’t hold back the tears.

It is believed that Joey was going to follow Faye Wong’s footsteps by winning both the ‘Most Popular Female Singer’ and ‘Asia Most Popular Female Singer’ award at the same time, but because Joey, who had 3 nominated songs in the best commercial song category, had already won a commercial song gold award and a couple of other silver awards, TVB didn’t want it to look as though all the awards were given to Joey, so at the last minute they gave the ‘Most Popular Female Singer’ award to Miriam instead, which is the second year in a row she has won it. Furthermore, there was originally going to be a gold, silver and bronze award in the ‘Most Popular Commercial Song’ category, but this was changed to only one award, so it looks as though Joey lost two awards in total. Apart from Raymond Lam, other singers who are regarded as ‘TVB’s children’, such as Myolie Wu, Linda Chung, Kate Tsui, Julian Cheung and Pong Nam, also won awards. Sherman Chung and Charlene Choi both won a top 10 song award for ‘Letter For Myself’ and ‘Two Minus One’ respectively, and Charlene also won a ‘2009 Outstanding Performance’ silver award.

Due to the four main music companies being shut out, many singers, such as Eason Chan and Hacken Lee, did not attend, so not many stars were at the award ceremony and it looked more like a newcomer parade. Even the host, Eric Tsang, stopped his usual joking for a moment to sigh and say: “The music industry and the music companies are in a close partnership, no matter whether the coming days of the music industry is good or bad, everyone needs to work together to create both good music and a good tomorrow. Tonight, how many singers are actually participating!?”

A prank was played on TVB when music group Tai Chi appeared as special guests to announce the winner of the ‘Most Popular Group’ award, and they deliberately announced Mr., who belong to Universal, and then they corrected themselves by saying the winner was actually RubberBand. When RubberBand picked up the award, they said it was unexpected, but Eric Tsang made fun of them by saying ‘It’s not unexpected.” During the start of the award ceremony, trailer clips were played and they actually contained Eason Chan and Hacken Lee. When Miriam was on stage to pick up her award for the ‘Most Popular Female Singer’ award, she noticed that many of her fellow singers from the four main music companies were not present, so she said: “The singers I don’t see today I will see them next year, each thing we go through is a learning experience from which we will improve, and this problem we have can be solved.” As to the current frontrunners for the ‘Four-Station Media Award’, Joey Yung has won 14 awards to overtake Eason who has 11 awards, so she looks likely to win the big award. Out of the singers from the four main music companies who were absent from the award ceremony, Eason Chan and Jason Chan appeared at some functions today, and Kay Tse held an autograph session for her new album, so they continue to make TVB lose face.

Joey Yung's "Queen Victoria" style wig

Joey Yung's EP "Joey Ten" will be released at the end of this month. A few poses of her new look are exposed. This time, Joey put on a "Rainbow Aerobic" dancing costume designed by Petra Storrs. Lady Gaga has worn that "dance outfit" before. Joey and Petra are very excited for the "cross-border cooperation." Petra said Joey looks like a warrior, full of justice and a feeling of peace, in contrast to Lady Gaga's aggressive look. In the "Joey the Queen" modeling, she wore a huge wig with such exaggeration to reassemble "Queen Victoria" style . SK, the producer said "When we were gathering ideas for this EP, the first thing cropped up was a "Queen's" look. Therefore for a music queen, we sure need a crown." Joey is very happy for wearing an exaggerated wig rather than a heavy metal crown. She said "I don't need to set my hair up, I only need to put the wig on! Having said that I am worried the wig may fall off when I sing and dance. "

Joey Yung to take part in CCTV's "Spring Festival" desperate to see Faye Wong again

HK Music Queen Joey Yung had aready stepped into her 10th anniversary in the music scene, for this memorable date she had continuous amounts of good things coming to her. Besides the superb results from the three music awards, she won herself 7 awards at the "J.S.G Best 10 Music Awards". Yesterday another event that would make Joey "proud" happened as she gets chosen for the 4th time by CCTV to take part in their Spring Evening Festival as a guest performer. It is understood that Joey being chosen by CCTV for years 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2010 is a "Spring Festival" record-breaking attendance for HK Singers. 

As scheduled, Joey will collaborate with EEG's Mainland Pop King Sun Nan for the theme song to World Choir Games "Love Each Other - 相親相愛". And the most exciting arrangement for Joey is that she will also have an opportunity to meet with Faye Wong who will be making her comeback this year. Joey will be able to see with her own eyes of her senior's style live on the scene. It is understood that Faye is an important figure for this performance as she is arranged to appear as an angel flying from the sky onto the stage. 

The first time Joey was given the opportunity to take part in the Spring Festival, she already felt happy. This time it is her 4th time participating, she feels even more excited and honored. She also felt that entering her 10th year, the so called saying of how many 10 years are there in life, having so many fond memories, she said thankfully: "In this industry having so many happy moments, I feel it is really perfect." 

Because Sun Nan is crowned "zero defect" in Mainland for his live singing, Joey probably has to do a decent amount of preparations for their duet in order to prevent embarrassing Sun Nan. As that night she will also appear on the same stage as Faye Wong, Joey said that she is looking forward to it because she has not seen Faye for way too long. Asked about her singing costume arrangement, Joey said that she is actively looking for the prettiest "combat gear". With the two music queens from different generations appearing together on stage, it is definitely something fans will look forward to seeing. 

On that night, there will only be three HK artists present, including Joey Yung, Faye Wong and Eason Chan. Also, Taiwanese ex-boyband Little Tigers - Nicky Wu, Alec Su and Benny Chen will be appearing together for the first time in 10 years at the event.